marie webster quilts

Quilters Hall of Fame Exhibit

Deeds Not Words:  Celebrating 100 Years of Women’s Suffrage.  Twenty-nine award-winning textile artists from across the United States each crafted a quilt celebrating women’s suffrage.  Co-curated by Sandra Sider and Pam Weeks.  Admission $4, $3 for seniors and students, $1 for children ages 6-12, and free for children under 6 years of age. Exhibit open …

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Quilters Hall of Fame Exhibit

The Quilters Hall of Fame is excited to announce Elly Sienkiewicz as 2023 Honoree! She is an expert in presenting Baltimore style quilting to the world as an art form full of symbolism, stories and flair. Please  join us in honoring Elly and her contributions to the world of quilting, July 20 – 22, 2023.

Grant County

About Grant County

Grant County, Indiana, is home to nifty attractions, outtasight events and rebellious celebrities. Whether it’s saddle shoes, classic cars, vintage bikes, James Dean, or Garfield, we love everything classic and cool. Have a blast just 90 minutes North of Indy.